
Thou shall start blogging again?

Oh wow, after four years, I'm actually back for blogging.

hence, my blog gonna be under construction. stay tuned. Cos it gonna be epic :)

I doubt if anyone is actually reading this tho.


Im back~!

Hahahahaha… I know i had stop blogging since long time ago…hehehe..paiseh lah…well…im back~! Lols!hahahaha..

Today our class was preparing for the teacher’s day performance…it was quite ok~ hahaha…Jackie’s one very sart~~ hahahaha….during our practice a… many ppl ng loh~ so funny~! Hope that everything will go smoothly loh~!! No more NG~! hahaha~!

Haix… today I non-stop coughing lik an old ppl….then my father buy me “WOODS” . he said that the advertisement say that “WOODS” is very good..so he buy for me loh~! Hhahaha~!!

Tmr my church punya Teenage fellowship 40th years old leh~!!! Hahahaha~! I have to perform loh! Singing lah~! Hahahha…dun worry..im not solo~! Hahaha~!but then hav to ‘feng xiang” lah~! Hope that everything will go smoothly~!!

Today’s joke: one day a kids called Jacob. He was a very smart n clever kids.

During his primary 1,2 n 3 he got very good result n get first place in the studies then he father ask him ‘wat do u want??’ Jacob said” I want a PINK ping pong ball” he father thought that he still very young or mayb Jacob doesn’t know there is no such thing as PINK ping pong ball.so he father bought him toys loh~then during his primary4,5 n 6 he also get good result n he father ask him wat he wanted lah…then he still reply that he want a PINK ping pong ball..he father Beh tahan then say”there is no such thiing as Pink ping pong ball onli got orange n white only~!” so he father buy him stationery loh~! During his secondary 1,2,3,4 n 5 he also got good result then he father ask again wat do u want lah…he still answer the same question ‘I WANT PINK PINGPONG BALL!!” then he father bought him a mobile phone.when he finish his master his father ask again wat do u want? He answer I want PINK pingpong ball!!! Then he father buy him a car loh~~ when he was going to die…he father ask wat do want now ? he say I want PINK pingpong ball..then he father tak boleh tahan…he ask”WTH IS THE PINK PINGPONG BALL???” then he answer” the pink pingpong ball is…..” then he died~!!!

Till here~! Nites~!


The nuts~!!!! n also beach - class trip~

Let me introduce u guys a company....It is call 'The Nuts'...the purpose of setting up this company is to make a normal person to a gila + sot sot person..... the board of director is Me n Isabella~!!! we hav 10 workers recently n going to have more soon~~!!! hahahaha~~~

'The Nuts' company

last sunday we were having Jamie's farewell party at the beach n class trip..HAHAHAHA..am i suppose to be sad n crying..hahahaha..NO..tats impossible...instead im taking pictures of everyone crying n i also got video it~!!!wait for it~!! im going to upload the pics soon~!!!

hav to go liao~!wait for the pics~!!


Jamie's farewell

today we were having a surprise farewell party for jamie...we GONNA MISS U~!!!
there's some picture:

the cake
me n jamie~~

click here
for more pics..

Today is the last day of pasar malam....going to miss kebab~!!! tmr is afternoon going to hav class trip at muara beach...exciting...battery is charging...yeah~~!!!

i found out something very funny this morning.. chui foong ask teacher about how many plates she going to bring for tmr class trip..this is their conversation

chui foong: teacher, how many plates should i bring??? is 50 enough??
teacher:HUH?? 50 ?? SO MANY?? 38 is enough liao..
chui foong: .....

hahaha...so funny..tat mean we going to hold one plate for the whole day....wth.. hahaha

today isabella group presentation..it was so funny... laugh until my head off...lols..isabella was very good actress... she should be the best actress in the oscar...lols......

hav to go liao..cant wait for the class trip.....



AHHHHH!!!!!! my piano practical exam is on 23th august~!!!!!!!!!! i havent finish my aural plus my scale so terrible...n my pieces was not ready yet...n the stupid sight reading havent start yet...stupid puasa make my life miserable..no offence...lol..have to work harder liao..

TEST TWO!!!!!!! still got one week plus to go...haix...my homework havent finish yet.....

some photo i take at school...

pidato by wan pei

'ban' the book shelve

maths fun!!!

yip chong tie his hair

they were sleeping at the back of class



I feel so regret for not going to tchr cristina farewell party....the beach was quite ok but not as good as i though because all those 'fun' ppl didnt come n so little ppl going...so its boring..haix...picture will be upload SOON..i hope so....

anyways just now i went to cut my hair till very SHORT..i was like xiu bao yidian but then after she cut become so short...haiyo...but then nice lah...

tmr have to go to school liao..sien....haix...bye...


dancing competition(last friday)

look at their expression ..
hahaha so cute..hahaha..lols.

anyways tmr is public holiday~!!! going to the beach tmr yeah~!!!
see ya~!!